Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The municipality of Alimodian, Iloilo was cited with the Galing Pook Awards for “Bringing High Schools Closer to Home,” a program that reduced school expenses among families and improve the academic performance of students.
Alimodian was cited for its “Market Development through People Empowerment” initiative that improved the operations of its market, turning it into a facility that is clean, safe and hazard-free for the sale of agricultural products.
Defensor congratulated both Alimodian  for their its outstanding best practices and encouraged other local government units to introduce innovative projects for the benefit of their constituents.

alimodian.grab for your tummy


Fresh & Pesticide-free High Value Vegetables
Cotton, Livestock, Poultry, Bamboo Craft, Swine Raising, Bananas, Foodstuffs like “camoteng kahoy” that can be manufactured into starch.
of Seven Cities in Alimodian...and of course, who would resist the heaven taste of NILUPAK NGA SAGING, NILAGPANG NGA MANOK AND SINAKOL? =)

alimodian.nature's beauty yet unexplored(seven cities))


 Unrevealed attractive destinations await visitors in upland areas of the Municipality of Alimodian. This captivating landscape of mountains, hills, verdant forest streams, mountains, lakes, waterfalls and exotic flora and fauna is called the "Seven Cities" named after the seven clustered barangays that compose it. A trip to many attractions of "Seven Cities" along with its adjacent highland communities, is sure to make any traveler succumb to its grandiose primal allure.


                                                   "The municipal anthem of Aimodian "

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

alimodian(holly week inn)


Every catholic Pilipino has its own belief about worshiping god. Holy week is the week before easter, celebration to remember the leading up to the death of Christ.
The small municipality of alimodian spend much time to rejoice holy week. The whole day until the night draw closer, alimodiananon start off  the celebration by waking up early to set up there selves to scale until the end of the hill “Agony Hill” where the three crosses are located. Before reaching the last station, everyone must leave behind all the 13 station to yield their prayers and sacrifices to the name.The hill is measured about four and half kilometers from the chapel going to the last station “the three crosses”. Every station tells the story of Jesus sacrifices and the things that he done on earth before he punished to be nailed in the cross.
The second part of the celebration is the parade of the saints or what we call “Prosisyon”. Every street  in our town has their have possession of statue of Jesus , a life sized statue were arranged to execute the scene of Jesus life until the scene were god is nailed on his carried cross. The same in hill-walking the parade have also a 13 station to go beyond, and we named it “Kapiya”. Every kapiya tells also the story of Jesus sacrifices.

And the statues of different saints who had contributed much role of Jesus life. The parade takes not more than three hours of walking while sending a prayer to the lord and giving there thankful messages.

Parish of St. Thomas Of Villanova(Alimodian,Iloilo)

Alimodian became an independent parish from Oton in October of 1574. A few months later, a house of worship made of cogon, bamboos and logs was established. In 1784, a new church made of briks and rocks plastered with lime was built under the leadership of Fr. Francisco Monasterio and was partially damaged by the earthquake in 1787.a gold necklace and documents were burried on the church’s proposed main entrance. The visitors then were brought in the home of Capitan Timoteo Amarra. On December of 1864, five years later, the church was formally opened. In a tri-square form, a convent same size as the church occupy the north to south and winding westward was started immediately and completed in 1868.The roof made of bricks and limes were changed into galvanized iron in February 13, 1882. Five years later, on the same day in 1887, an earthquake rocked the building that caused the statue of San Agustin to fall from its niche over the main entrance of the church.Post-war damage claims brought new improvement to the church in 1946. Pews were donated and two side altars were roofed with nipa. But on the dawn of January 28, 1948, the infamous earthquake “Lady Kaykay” shook the whole island of Panay causing the major portion of the church, convent and two-thirds of the belfry to topple down, bringing all the bells except the largest one to the ground.


Hundreds of men were utilized to pull the bells using a big cable up to the belfry. One man died in the process when the cable snapped. The largest bell weigh about 1.5 tons, it was said that a man named Pino placed the largest bell on its place. Each bells had names inscribed on its surface such as: San Agustin, Sta. Monica, Ma. Consolacion de Leonisa, Sto. Tomas de Villanueva and San Ignacio de Loyola.

 In the present, a huge concrete figure of Our Lady of Lourdes stands on the convent ruins, a triple arched concrete canopy broken with a bass relief of an Augustinian Emblem stood life-size images of St. Peter, St. Joseph and at the center, St. Thomas of Villanova. The walls and buttresses of this house of God reveal a robust baroque architecture.

alimodian"the nature at its best".(Ma.paz hill side resort)

One of the best place that Alimodiananon should be proud of is the maria paz hillside resort located at the south part of Agony hill. Owned by our Mayor Juanito T. Alipao and resorts name came from the name of his passed mother Maria Paz Juanito. The place can accommodate at least  200 persons at the same time. With one big pool (2-6ft) and a kiddie pool beside and it has a jacuzzi available for rent(P200 for 1 hour). The resort offers also 6 rooms for overnight(P1600 for 5 persons) and cottages for P200.